Our partner Gaëlle André-Lescop offered a conference titled: « Territory representations, identity a
Our partner Gaëlle André-Lescop, from the Conseil Tribal Mamuitun, offered a conference titled: « Territory representations, identity and urban planning in Innu communities » during the 'Université Féministe d'été, under the subject : « Genders and Public spaces”. The conference was held on May 21st at Université Laval campus. Her conference approached the question of womens role in innue communities along the years until nowadays, as well as the definition of interdependance in a sharing community. She also introduced her urban planning essay “Jump over the fence” about the consolidation of school sectors in the Innu Communities of Pessamit, Mani-Utenam and Matimekush-Lac-John. The Matimekush-Lac-John project is inspired by the traditionnal Innu base camps. By transforming the school area, the community can become a positive influence expanding toward the Nitassinan, innu's homeland. The conference was accompanied by an exhibition entitled "Engaged" including a variety of the most important contribution of our women partners.