Journées Nordiques : June 5th and 6th
On June 5th and 6th, take part in the Journées Nordiques, which will take place at the School of Architecture at Laval University.
My Nordic project - June 5th Attend the second edition of My Nordic Project and witness the vitality and passion of our young researchers!
Day of interdisciplinary exchanges on the north - June 6
Cette journée traitera de l'interaction bénéfique entre nos chercheurs aux expertises diversifiées, les membres des communautés autochtones et les partenaires du milieu afin de relever les enjeux complexes liés au Nord. L'évènement mettra en valeur les apports et les défis de l'interdisciplinarité.
This day is about the beneficial interactions between our diverse researchers and the members of community communities / the partners of the North. The event will highlight the contributions and challenges of interdisciplinarity.
Follow the link to register : Journées Nordiques