Take Part in the Evaluation of an Online Planning Guide for Indigenous Communities!
Living in Northern Quebec’s partners, along with members of the Innu community of Uashat mak Mani-Utenam and Mamuitun, have recently developed an ONLINE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOOL (WWW.INNUASSIA-UM.ORG, in French).
It’s now time for an evaluation! Please browse through the Guide, then answer a few questions here: https://goo.gl/forms/ip75UwEvZizqeHrD3 (in French).

This survey is conducted by Laurence St-Jean, M.Sc.UD candidate, School of Architecture, Université Laval, as part of her final essay (ARC-6011). Your answers will only be used for academic purposes, anonymously. If you have any questions, please contact Geneviève Vachon, supervising prof: genevieve.vachon@arc.ulaval.ca